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Cote d'Or - EXPO 58

The famous chocolatier wanted to celebrate the 50th birthday of the World Exposition in Brussels with a vintage style commercial with vintage style music. 

Smartmat TV Commercial

The Belgian food delivery service needed a funky tune to advertise on Belgian national television.

KINEPOLIS - Bruitage

Some looney tune sounds to get kids to the movies

ANVDRIE - Spring/Autumn/Winter Collection 2015

fashion company Angels Never Die asked to provide their collection with some moody music

Toerisme Vlaanderen

Collaboration with Volstok.


Part of an ambitious installation at Brussels Airport, presenting travelers with one last culinary memory of Flanders.

More info.

Moods From The Tower

This ambient soundtrack album was written, recorded, produced and mixed for The 12 Senses concept store.

Design from the east brought to the west.

© 2020 Donderling Audio

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